


Lebanon, this gem located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, is a marvelous mixture of opposites. Whether it is skulking around the thronging streets of Beirut, which earns a nickname or two (not all complimentary): understandably 'Paris of the Middle East,' boisterously 'City that Never Sleeps,' bizarrely given the current climate 'Vegas-on-the-Med,' or whether it is strolling through the tranquil antique cedar forests of the Shouf Mountains, Lebanon has something for each. Tourists can gaze in wonder at the architectural splendor of Roman ruins in Baalbek, stroll through the labyrinthine and cobbled streets of Byblos, one of the ancient world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, or lounge on some of the region's most beautiful stretches of Mediterranean coast. Along with its wealth of historical and cultural significance, the populace's warm reception secures again, competent to appeal to those seeking a travel getaway experience.

Lebanon, though known for its historical richness and natural scenery, is famous for its cuisine and nightlife. World-famous Lebanese cuisine has something for everyone: from a selection of savory mezze to deliciously sweet baklava, all best enjoyed with a glass of locally made wine from the Bekaa Valley. Music thrives in the county's cities at night, with everything from traditional Arabic sounds to party tunes in hip clubs. Festivals and cultural activities are held regularly, highlighting Lebanon's rich artistic history and vibrant contemporary art scene. Everything from skiing off the snow-capped peaks of Faraya to discovering the breathtaking Jeita Grotto and basking in a Mediterranean sunset, Lebanon will deliver an unforgettable and enriching experience for all visiting it.

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Here are some must-visit places in Lebanon:

Explore the vibrant capital, known for its lively nightlife, rich history, and cultural landmarks.

Visit the stunning Roman ruins, including the famous Temple of Bacchus and Temple of Jupiter.

Wander through one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities, with its ancient port, historic churches, and charming souks.

Jeita Grotto: 
Discover the breathtaking underground caves, featuring impressive stalactites and stalagmites.

Cedars of God: 
Walk among the ancient cedar trees in the Chouf Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Explore the historic seaside city with its Crusader Sea Castle, old souk, and the Debbane Palace.

Visit the ancient Phoenician city, known for its Roman Hippodrome, impressive ruins, and beautiful beaches.

Take a cable car ride to the Our Lady of Lebanon statue for stunning views of the coastline and the Mediterranean Sea.

Beqaa Valley: 
Enjoy the scenic valley, famous for its vineyards, wineries, and historical sites like the Umayyad Ruins of Anjar.

Experience the rich history of Lebanon's second-largest city, with its well-preserved Mamluk architecture, old souks, and the Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles.

Relax in this coastal town, known for its beaches, historic churches, and vibrant nightlife.

The bustling seaside town with its marina, casinos, and panoramic views can be enjoyed from the Harissa cable car.

Taste the local cuisine and enjoy the scenic views of this charming town in the Beqaa Valley.


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